Live! Casino Pittsburgh Poker Room

Live! Pittsburgh opened a poker room in December 2021. It is home to six tables. There are nine seats at each table for all games. There is a USB charging station at each seat. 

Cash games and tournaments are dealt at the Live! Pittsburgh poker room. It is open 24 hours if there is a game. If it goes dark overnight, it reopens at 10am the following weekend morning and noon on weekdays. 

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Live! Pittsburgh poker cash games

Most of the action at the new Live! Pittsburgh poker room is at cash games. The main game is 1/3 no limit Texas hold’em. Its buy-in range is $100 to $400. A 2/5 no limit Texas hold’em game may appear during busier hours. Its buy-in is $300 to $1,000. There is an occasional pot limit Omaha game with $2 blinds. Its buy-in is $200 to $1,000.

Live! Pittsburgh poker tournaments

There is a tournament six days a week at the Live! Pittsburgh poker room. All are no limit Texas hold’em. The buy-in and structure changes with each event.

All tournaments have two hours of late registration. There is unlimited reentry during that time. Players may enter a tournament up to 72 hours in advance. 

  • Sundays at 2:15pm: $80 buy-in, 15,000 starting stack, 15-minute levels
  • Tuesdays at 12:15am: $120 buy-in with $25 bounty, 20,000 starting stack, 20-minute levels
  • Wednesday at 6:15pm: $80 buy-in, 15,000 starting stack, 15-minute levels
  • Friday at 6:15pm: $130 buy-in, 30,000 starting stack, 15-minute levels
  • Saturday at 11:15am: $120 buy-in with $25 bounties, 25,000 starting stack, 20-minute levels
  • Saturday at 6:15pm: $100 buy-in with 15,000 starting stack and 15-minute levels

Live! Pittsburgh poker promotions

A player who makes a royal flush using both hole cards wins $100. There are daily high hands. It is $100 from noon to 10pm Sunday through Thursday and $200 from 10am to midnight on weekends. A player must make a full house of aces on the top to qualify. The first 18 players in a jackpot-eligible game receive $20 food comps after three hours and another $15 one after two more hours.

Live! Pittsburgh poker room FAQs

Is the Live! Pittsburgh poker room open 24 hours?

It is open 24 hours if there is a game. If the last game breaks overnight, it reopens at 10am or noon the following morning.

What cash games are dealt at the Live! Pittsburgh poker room?

The main game is 1/3 no limit Texas hold’em. Other games include 2/5 no limit hold’em and 2/2 pot limit Omaha.

Does the Live! Pittsburgh poker room deal tournaments?

Yes. There is a no limit hold’em poker tournament most days at the Live! Pittsburgh poker room.

How many seats are there at the Live! Pittsburgh poker room? 

Each table has nine seats, including for tournaments.

What is the minimum age to play poker at Live! Pittsburgh?

Players must be at least 21 years old. 

Last Updated on April 2, 2024 by John Mehaffey